In the blog you'll find that I go a bit deeper than surface level in my business. The blog gets into the details of sessions, emotional content, and sometimes behind the scenes. Enjoy! 


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Lightweavers’ Collective and Co-working Space | Grand Rapids, Michigan

When I headed over to Grand Rapids to cover an open house for the Lightweavers’ Collective, at the Grand Rapids Yoga Company studio. I didn’t quite know what to expect. I had never previously been to a co-working space and wasn’t sure how the idea even worked. If you don’t know what a coworking space […]

August 4, 2021

Branding, Entrepreneurs, Life, Spaces, Uncategorized

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Austin and Sienna | A Woodfield Captain’s Club & Event Center Wedding in Grand Blanc, Michigan

I am FINALLY getting around to sharing this blog post! What a whirlwind couple of weeks! I was so excited to be able to photograph Austin and Sienna’s wedding at Woodfield Captain’s Club & Event Center! They found me through an engagement session giveaway that I was running last summer and I am so happy […]

July 10, 2021

Uncategorized, Wedding, Wedding, First Look

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New Year, New You

Many of us start a New Year, especially this one (Peace out 2020), with goals, ambitions, dreams, and most of all HOPE that this year will be better than the last – different than the last. So, I have come up with a few tips to get there! 1) Stop doing the same things. We […]

January 1, 2021


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Goals and Intentions for the New Year 2021

Have you been spending the last week making a list of all of your goals for the upcoming year? Like many of you, I have been crafting the perfect list – but not necessarily just a list of goals. At the start of January 2020, I proclaimed it to be my year. I bought a […]

December 31, 2020


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Planning for a Smashcake Session

It is your baby’s first birthday photo session. You are so excited. But, then the overwhelm starts. Endless possibilities. Colors? Pink or Purple? Gold or Silver? OR WAIT?! Should we do a theme?! Minnie Mouse, Ariel, Under the Sea, Elephants, HELP! We get a lot of these questions when people are planning their sweet baby’s […]

July 21, 2020


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Mila’s Smashcake and Mommy and Me Shoot

I just have to say it again: time goes SO fast! It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital taking photos of Mila at just two days old. We cannot believe she is already one. Katie and I were supposed to take Mila’s photos in May, but, because of COVID, we had to […]

June 30, 2020


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Happy Mother’s Day

Some days are short. Some days are long. Some days are filled with laughter. Some days are filled with tears. They are never certain. However, one thing that is certain is my love for my kids. Becoming a mom is unlike anything in this world. I have never been so filled with every emotion at […]

June 26, 2020


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How to: Have a smooth photography session with kids

We have all been there. All we want is a few great photos of our beautiful kids – the thought of those canvases hanging on our walls. Ahhh, it just makes us happy. Until the moment comes. Cue six trips to the store for coordinating outfits and then fighting them to wear it since it […]

June 26, 2020


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It’s About the Details

I have seen so many Facebook posts about “remember these days because it might be the last time your child {insert action here}. Maybe it is the last time your child nurses, wears a diaper, wants to be rocked or held, wants picked up, needs you to feed them, etc. As a photographer and as […]

June 26, 2020


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Candid or Posed?

What is your photography preference? I define myself as a “candid” photographer. Maybe you call it “journalistic”. I call it capturing all the things I see that you may not. I see it as grabbing all of your smallest moments that will eventually mean the most to you someday – a hug with your dad, […]

June 26, 2020


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