In the blog you'll find that I go a bit deeper than surface level in my business. The blog gets into the details of sessions, emotional content, and sometimes behind the scenes. Enjoy! 


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June 26, 2020

Our “Why”

Finding a purpose and a passion in this life isn’t an easy feat. And, if I am being honest, there were many things that I thought maybe I was passionate about that didn’t go the way I thought they would. And, that’s ok because I know I was being led to where I should be now. I have read a lot that you don’t find your purpose – it finds you.

After I had my girls, I knew that I just had to have beautiful photos of them. I watched other photographers create and capture these beautiful moments of my family and I thought this: I have to be able to capture these moments myself for no other reason that to have photos that our family can have somewhere down the line. Little did I know, that my passion and love of taking photos of my kids would turn into a career choice. However, that isn’t the only reason why I am so passionate about my family and my clients’ families.

So, many of you know and some of you don’t know, but, we lost our dad, one of the most supportive and influential people in our lives at a very young age. He wasn’t there to see me graduate from high-school or college, he wasn’t there to walk us down the aisle at our weddings, and he isn’t here to watch his beautiful grand-children play in the backyard or buy them ice cream. I can’t hear is laugh unless it is on a home video and I can’t see his face unless it is in a photo.

Ultimately, we wish there were more photos of our family with him in them. He always seemed to be the one taking the pictures. We WANT to give our clients beautiful memories that they can SHOW to their children, and their grand-children, and their great-grandchildren. We want your past to always be a part of your present.

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